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Uses: This product can quickly knock down mosquitoes, flies and other flying insects and can repel cockroach wekk,lt can drive out cockroach living in dark lift so as to increase the opportunity that cockroach contact insecticide, However, the lethal effect of this product is not so strong,Therefore it is often prepared with permethrin with strong lethal effect to aerosol, spray or tincture, which are especially suitable for insects prevention for family, public hygiene, food and warehouse.


Formula: C19G25NO4

Formula Weight:331.42

CAS NO0:51348-90-4


Appearance: Yellow to amber viscous liquid.

Specific gravity:1.11(d420)

Vapor Pressure: 0.32mPa(20℃)

Flash Point:200℃

Solubility:Not dissolved in water. Easily dissolved in hexane, methanol and xylene , Be mutually soluble with such synergists as piperonyl butoxide and S-421.

Stability: Stable to heat, unstable in light and decompose with alkali and some emulsifier, Can be stored over 2years in normal condition,

Toxicity: Acute oral LD50 to rats is more than 5000mg/kg,Acute dermal LD50 to rats is more than 5000mg/kg. Acute inhalant LC50 to rats is more than 1180mg/m3,No stimulus to skin, eyes and pneogaster.


Aerosol: 0.1-0.2%,in mixture with lethal agent synergist and emulsifier.

Spray: 0.5-1.4mg/m3,as solvent.


Quality index:

D-Tetramethrin Technical

Appearance: a faint yellow to brown.

Totai isomers≥93.0%,High effect from≥90.0%

Moisture≤0.2%                                             Package

Acid degree≤0.15%                                         Iron drum

COPYRIGHY @ 2008 Zhongshan Sino-agrochemical co Ltd  Tel:86 0760-8404288 Fax:86 0760-88404388[Manage]